What does it take to succeed as a leader? Whether you are a fan of NFL football or not, the players, coaches, and administration work hard to get to where they are today. Many football coaches are great inspirational leaders. Green Bay Packer Coach Vince Lombardi was one of those leaders.
Vince Lombardi was the head coach of the Greenbay Packers from 1959 to 1967. He led the Green Bay Packers to 3 straight and 5 total NFL championships in 7 years as well as winning 2 Super Bowls in 1966 and 1967. The Super Bowl trophy is named in his honor following his sudden death from cancer in 1970.
Vince Lombardi is most significantly remembered as one of the greatest leaders in the history of all sports. Yet his life was most definitely NOT perfect by any means. He was a rough and tough guy!
Vince Lombard, Jr. wrote the book: “What it takes to be #1” and outlined these rules that he summarized from observing the life of his father:
- Know yourself. You can’t improve on something you don’t understand. Be a constant learner.
2. Build your character. Character is not inherited; it is something that can be and needs to be, built and disciplined. We should constantly work on improving our character.
3. Earn your stripes. Leaders earn the right to lead. How? They manifest character and integrity, and they get results.No leader, however great, can long continue unless they win battles. The battle decides all.
4. Think Big picture. The Big Picture is your road map and rudder. It can’t change in response to minor setbacks. But it must change as the competitive environment changes.
5. Leaders are made not born. Leadership grows out of self-knowledge, character and integrity, competence, and a comprehensive vision. When these building blocks are in place, the leader can lead.”
Adapted from this blog on Self Development Addict.